MANN+HUMMEL Annual Report: Have an overview & save time
Who wants to see well, uses glasses. Who wants to see more, use augmented reality glasses. We look at things very closely. Analog and digital. And sometimes from several thousand kilometers away.
About Veeresh Chandrashekhar Patil

Digitization and artificial intelligence are no longer just buzzwords that should not be missing on any agenda. Rather, they are now common practice and enablers for many processes in the business environment.
Vereesh Chandrashekhar Padil has been working at MANN+HUMMEL for almost 12 years and today is our Global Expert for Vision Based Systems. Whenever a camera-based project is to be implemented at one of our many sites around the world, Vereesh is on board in a leading role.
Also during the pandemic, visiting our plants in different locations around the globe stayed necessary but were physically impossible. Out of necessity came a virtue, because today not only can our customers visit some of our plants virtually, but we can also perform a lot of optimization and planning work from anywhere in the world with the help of augmented reality technology.