MANN+HUMMEL Annual Report: Cleaner drinking water in India
Doing business successfully on a sustainable basis also means taking responsibility. Not only at the company headquarters, but worldwide. In India, MANN+HUMMEL supports the surrounding villages in the supply of clean drinking water.
About Raja Karthik

Raja has been working for MANN+HUMMEL's legal department in Bengaluru, India, for ten years. He oversees and drives compliance and data protection as well as local sustainability and CSR topics.
India was one of the first countries in the world to introduce a mandatory CSR spending for companies. Together with colleagues at all four Indian MANN+HUMMEL sites, Raja identifies potential CSR projects and takes care of their implementation – a possibility to give something back to the regional communities.
One major project in 2022: clean drinking water for seven villages and around 1,000 families close to the MANN+HUMMEL sites. Also on the agenda: support for local educational institutions.